2.Asian restaurant(12th Feb 2023)

We met at Sannomiya station. We went ahead ‘grill Ippei’ for lunch, but there was a long long line because it was very famous. We gave up stake, walked around there to look for another restaurant.

We find Asian restaurant in ‘ekizo’ that connected to Sannomiya station of hankyu subway. I ate rouleaux rice that is traditional food in Taiwan. Uki ate pad thai of Thailand. At first, I didn’t decide rouleaux rice or pad thai. Uki noticed that, he said that he would order to pad thai. I thought he was gently. Those were very delicious without coriander. Both of us were bad at coriander.

We talked about this week and student days each other. He worked for convenience store. When he was high school student, he was smartphone addiction. In his school, smartphone was banned. His teacher found he use it, he was confiscated it twice. He healed smartphone addiction because of his teacher.

He would take part in wedding of colleagues, so he asked me to take to look for suit for ceremony. We went to Daimaru department store. I felt freshness because of floor that I don’t go usually. It is not good color suit for wedding including gray.

I wanted to know Uki’s favorite type of woman’s fashion, but I couldn’t ask him well. He was interested in clothes with big hole at chest. He is only very curious, innocence and pure.

After Daimaru, we went Chinatown of Motomachi. We enjoyed that mood without particular purpose. I asked him that how women did he like. He answered women who could communicate anytime anywhere. …did he have something not good in the past? And women who don’t use money too much.

He returned to ask me the same question, I couldn’t answered well.

